- 基本资料
姓名:周恒宇 职称:讲师 性别:男 政治面貌:中共党员 出生年月日:1988-06 学位:博士 职务:讲师 办公地址: 邮箱:zhouhengyu@dufe.edu.cn - 研究方向
- 城市更新与管理、既有建筑安全与维护
- 教育背景
- 工作经历
2021年-至今 东北财经大学投资工程管理学院
- 主讲课程
- 代表性学术成果
1. Zhou Hengyu, Yuan Yongbo, Liu Chenlong, Wu Chao, Zhang Mingyuan. Extension Model for Safety Appraisal of Existing Concrete Members Based on an Improved Comprehensive Weighting Method, Advances in civil engineering. (SCI, SSCI)
2. Du Yanchao, Zhou Hengyu, Yuan Yongbo, Liu Xiaoxue. Explore Knowledge Sharing Strategy and Evolutionary Mechanism for Intergated Project Team Based on Evolutionary Game Model, Advances in civil engineering. (SCI, SSCI)
3. Du Yanchao, Zhou Hengyu, Yuan Yongbo, Hong Xue. Explore the Moral Hazard Evolutionary Mechanism for BIM Implenation in an Integrated Project Team, Sustainability. (SCI, SSCI)
4. Tian Boquan, Yuan Yongbo, Zhou Hengyu, Yang Zhen. Pavement Management Utilizing Mobile Crowd Sensing, Advances in civil engineering. (SCI, SSCI)
5. 袁永博, 周恒宇, 张明媛. 基于博弈论和可拓学的既有构件可靠性评价, 辽宁工程技术大学学报 (自然科学版).
6. 周恒宇. 抗力分项系数计算程序设计软件 V1.0:中国,2019SR0271739[P]. 发明类型:软件著作权, 授权日期:2019-03-22