- 基本资料
姓名:宁欣 职称:教授 性别:女 政治面貌:中共党员 出生年月日:1979 学位:博士 职务:博士生导师、硕士生导师 办公地址: 邮箱:ningxin@dufe.edu.cn - 研究方向
- 可持续建设,工程项目安全治理,建筑业能源政策评价
- 教育背景
- 工作经历
2009/06 - 至今,东北财经大学,投资工程管理学院,教师
- 主讲课程
- 代表性学术成果
[1] Ning, X., An, Y., Ju, L., Wang, W.J., Real-time online prediction of surface settlement considering spatiotemporal characteristics during foundation excavation, Automation in Construction, 2023, 150:104831.
[2] Wu C., Yao H., Ning X. (corresponding author), Wang L., Emergence of Informal Safety Leadership: A Social–Cognitive Process for Accident Prevention. Production and Operations Management, 2021, 30(11): 4288-4305.
[3] Zhang S., Li Z., Ning X. (corresponding author), Li L., Gauging the impacts of urbanization on CO2 emissions from the construction industry: Evidence from China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 288: 112440.
[4] Ning X., Qi J., Wu C., Wang, W., Reducing noise pollution by planning construction site layout via a multi-objective optimization model. Journal of cleaner production, 2019, 222: 218-230.
[5] Ning, X., Qi, J. Y., Wu, C.L., A quantitative safety risk assessment model for construction site layout planning, Safety Science, 2018, 246-259.
[6] Ning, X., Qi, J. Y., Wu, C.L., Wang, W.J., A tri-objective ant colony optimization based model for planning safe construction site layout, Automation in Construction, 2018, 89, 1-12.
- 主要科研课题
[1] 工程项目安全行为形成路径的协同演化机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,71971045,2020.01-2023.12.
[2] 场界内噪声烦恼度与绿色施工平面优化布置内在机理研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,71501029,2016.01-2019.12.
- 获得荣誉
辽宁省自然科学奖,三等,群体性突发事件的特征形态、演化规律和应急处置优化 2019-Z-3-05-R05,2019